Lab Members

Dr. Benjamin M. Van Doren

Principal Investigator • Assistant Professor
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Benjamin is interested in all things related to animal migration. He is fascinated by how migratory birds respond to environmental change and how human-dominated landscapes are influencing migrants’ ecology and behavior. He is excited by computational tools that push ecology forward while facilitating opportunities for conservation action. Benjamin earned a Bachelor of Science from Cornell University and a PhD from Oxford University, and he has received achievement awards from the American Ornithological Society, Linnean Society of London, and Zoological Society of London. In his free time, he enjoys exploring forested landscapes, reading fantasy novels, baking bread, eating bread, playing piano, and spending time with good friends. His first sentence was “Hello, duck.”

Dr. Zach G. Gayk

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Zach conducted his doctoral studies at the University of Windsor, Ontario, focusing on the flight-calling behavior and in-flight ecology of migratory songbirds in the Great Lakes region. Zach's doctoral studies were supported by a Trillium Scholarship from the Government of Ontario. Growing up in the rural Keweenaw Peninsula of Michigan, Zach became fascinated by the amazing spectacle of songbird migration as a young birder, and has been a passionate naturalist ever since. Zach’s primary research interests are in the acoustic monitoring of songbird migration, specifically in using microphone arrays to investigate poorly understood aspects of the in-flight ecology of migratory songbirds, and in using songbird flight calls to develop migration-monitoring networks of acoustic recorders throughout the Americas. Zach is passionate about advancing acoustic monitoring of songbird migration at large geographic scales, which could be valuable for informing species-specific estimates of migratory passage, understanding fine-scale patterns in the phenology of species’ movement, and understanding climate-mediated shifts in migration. Zach is also interested in the evolutionary ecology of migratory birds more broadly, and in particular the evolution of migratory strategies. For fun, Zach loves hiking to beautiful natural areas, as well as canoeing, kayaking, and plein air painting.